Michelle Stuhl & Company Inc

Michelle Stuhl & Company is a global executive search firm that specializes in recruiting creative and business talent. Our creativity informs our methodology and approach to every search. We are committed to helping innovative companies achieve their business goals and hiring the best talent is mandated. We have a record of proven results with clients like Coach, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, and many others.

Michelle Stuhl & Company Inc Alternatives & Competitors

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HQ: New York, United States
Specialties in common: Marketing Management, Public Relations, Marketing, Sales, Art & Design, Hospitality

Employing people across the United States in fields from healthcare to high-profile professionals to light industrial, NSG encompasses all disciplines and regions to meet the challenging and sophisticated employment demands of our clients. With a track record of staffing excellence, our recruiting team and support staff handle all projects with a commitment to quality service. We continually build and establish relationships with top-tier organizations and industry-leading professionals nationwide

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HQ: New York, United States
Specialties in common: Marketing Management, Digital Media, Marketing, E-Commerce

Ecommerce-Recruitment specialize in connecting top-tier talent with the dynamic world of ecommerce. Our dedicated team leverages industry expertise to match skilled professionals with leading companies across the digital commerce landscape.

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HQ: Westport, United States
Specialties in common: Sales, Technology, E-Commerce

The Good Search is not a traditional retained executive search firm by design. Our investigative approach makes search smarter and gives you more. Dream candidates. Pricing you can trust. All the research. Because we search differently, our clients are counted among the most powerful and successful companies in the world.

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HQ: New York, United States
Specialties in common: Marketing Management, Public Relations, Merchandising, Logistics Management, Sales, Marketing, Retail, E-Commerce

DWC is an executive search firm for the consumer, digital and retail industries. We have an efficient methodology to quickly bring searches to a successful close. We put the client at the center of focus and look beyond the obvious candidate pool to find the best fit. Our goal is to delight our clients with speed, transparency and flexibility.

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HQ: New York, United States
Specialties in common: Marketing Management, UX, Sales, Marketing, Art & Design, Technology, E-Commerce, Internet & ISP

Barndog Staffing is a boutique staffing agency that specializes in providing top talent acquisition consulting and recruitment services. They provide exceptional service to both clients and candidates and specialize in full-time, freelance, consulting, and temp-to-perm positions. Their primary areas of expertise include: Integrated, Digital, or Print Producers, Account Managers, Strategists, IxD and UX professionals, Creatives, Technologists, QA professionals, and more. They are passionate and selfless and strive to meet their standards of excellence. Reach out today to join the Barndog team!

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