
Military4Hire is a full service recruiting firm offering the most talented military trained technicians and leaders in the country. Our recruitment style is formatted to fit your needs and timetables. Finding the right candidate is not always an easy task. Let M4H bring the hiring solution to you. Our goal is to make the process of hiring the exciting venture it should be. Allowing you to focus on your business! Our platform is to provide you with focused resources and higher standard results. We offer high caliber candidates that are interested and qualified in your opportunities.

Military4Hire Alternatives & Competitors

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We are an agile recruitment business providing services in Sales, Finance, Human Resources, Engineering and Operations. Our no-nonsense approach allows us to deliver measurable results. We are experienced in sourcing niche roles such as Head of Sales, Manufacturing Engineers and Financial Controllers. Our HR specialties include HR Managers, Reward and Learning & Development.

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HQ: Encinitas, United States
Specialties in common: Biotech

Flintlock Solutions is a recruitment firm focused on sourcing technical and scientific talent for the Life Science and Technology Industry. We provide tailored services and conduct all searches discreetly. Our process relieves the pressure of hiring new staff, leaving you with a list of top quality candidates. We are founded on trust, reliability and diligence, helping you make your business a success.

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