Q Works Group

Q Works is a Talent Management firm offering professional Search, Consulting, Fractional and Corporate Services. We specialize in recruiting for Technology, Finance, Automotive, Construction and Manufacturing. Our staff are highly trained and our services are tailored to each client's needs. We also offer subscription services for small and mid-sized businesses.

Q Works Group Alternatives & Competitors

Similar recruitment agencies with offices in Fort Mill:

HQ: Fort Mill, United States
Specialties in common: Sales Management, Sales

Hiring is a crucial task for business growth, survival, and architecture. Each search is tailored to the team's needs, both present and future, in roles like Senior Scientific, Operations, and Business Development. Our team is experienced in Preclinical Research and Development, having filled individual roles and built teams at the C, V, and D level. With a combination of external and internal operations, sales, and scientific background, our expertise is an extension of our personal experiences and passion.

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