USPRO is a woman-owned staffing services firm with a successful history of fulfilling its client's direct-hire and contract needs. Our talent acquisition team recruits prospective candidates throughout all 50 states and actively supports the nation's leading industries. At USPRO, we are dedicated to improving your prospects.

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USPRO Alternatives & Competitors

Similar recruitment agencies with offices in Boston:

HQ: Austin, United States
Specialties in common: Aerospace

Staffing company CSI offers recruiters specializing in accounting, engineering, financial, healthcare, information technology, legal, management, medical, and petrochemical fields. We understand the challenges companies face when seeking to recruit and retain middle and executive level professionals. Give us a call to see how we can help save in-house resources and find better-suited candidates.

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HQ: Boston, United States
Specialties in common: Aerospace

Technical staffing consultants specialize in finding and evaluating engineering professionals for direct hire. They provide solutions for candidates and clients across the US, with a strong focus in the New England area. Engineering disciplines range from software and hardware to electrical, mechanical and operational support. They also serve industries such as autonomous vehicles, consumer electronics and biotechnology. Clients are located in several states including Massachusetts, Colorado, California and New York.

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