Attorney / Lawyer Recruitment & Staffing agencies
in Beverly Hills, California

Reach out to 2 leading recruiters, employment agencies, and headhunters that specialize in Attorney / Lawyer recruitment and operate in Beverly Hills, California.

Parent Specialty: Legal
Specialty: Attorney / Lawyer
Country: United States
State: California
City: Beverly Hills
  • HQ: Beverly Hills, CA, United States
    CA Legal Search is a premier boutique staffing agency in Beverly Hills. CA Legal specializes in placements of top attorneys and partners in major law firms and corporations. Our team locates top talent through various channels and associations. We match each client's unique needs with our candidates' unique skill sets.

    Legal specialties:

    Attorney / Lawyer,
  • HQ: Beverly Hills, CA, United States
    The Jameson Group is devoted to the placement of partners, shareholders and groups of lawyers in law firms and to law firm mergers and acquisitions, primarily in Los Angeles and California. Throughout our over 20 years of experience we have placed a multitude of partners, shareholders and partner-level lawyers and have moved millions of dollars in portable books of business. We are intimately familiar with the complex issues that these experienced lawyers face in evaluating their strategic options and exit strategies and are particularly sensitive to their needs.

    Legal specialties:

    Attorney / Lawyer

    Also specializes in: