Attorney / Lawyer Recruitment & Staffing agencies
in Delaware

Reach out to 2 leading recruiters, employment agencies, and headhunters that specialize in Attorney / Lawyer recruitment and operate in Delaware.

Parent Specialty: Legal
Specialty: Attorney / Lawyer
Country: United States
State: Delaware
  • Grammar USA is an international recruitment consultancy providing services for IT professionals. They specialize in permanent, contract, temporary and interim placements. They are passionate about technology and its ability to change the world. Grammar Technologies offers highly skilled IT professionals on a contract, contract-to-hire and full-time basis. They help businesses find the talent they need to succeed.
  • Just Legal, Inc. is a premier legal staffing company providing attorneys and legal support staff in contract and permanent positions for law firms, corporate legal departments and government agencies. Just Legal, Inc. identifies highly qualified candidates and conducts an extensive in person interview and review of credentials before presenting candidates to our clients. Our primary goal is to provide our clients with the most qualified candidates, matching client needs with a candidate's skills and experience. Throughout this process, we maintain the highest level of service and professionalism in a cost efficient manner.

    Legal specialties:

    Attorney / Lawyer

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