Medical Device Recruitment & Staffing agencies
in Bray, Ireland

Reach out to leading recruiters, employment agencies, and headhunters that specialize in Medical Device recruitment and operate in Bray, Ireland.

Specialty: Medical Device
Country: Ireland
City: Bray
  • HQ: Bray, Ireland
    GMB is a long established and leading Irish Executive Search & Selection Company specialising in the recruitment of high calibre candidates for General, Senior and Middle management positions. Founded in 1979 by the current Managing Director, Peter Garvey, GMB has provided Executive Search & Selection, Interim Management and Recruitment services to companies in a wide variety of industry sectors including Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, Medical Devices, FMCG, ICT, Services and Not-for-profit sectors.

    Industries & Specialties:

    Medical Device,

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