Software Recruitment & Staffing agencies
in Santa Monica, California

Reach out to 3 leading recruiters, employment agencies, and headhunters that specialize in Software recruitment and operate in Santa Monica, California.

Specialty: Software
Country: United States
State: California
City: Santa Monica
  • HQ: Santa Monica, CA, United States
    HERO is a jobs platform changing the way people find great work. Mobile apps. Tech Recruiting. Tech jobs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and New York. Our mission is to build a mobile workforce of happy and engaged people that empower a world of great businesses.

    Industries & Specialties:

  • HQ: Santa Monica, CA, United States
    We are a search firm built to address the talent needs of venture- and private equity-backed companies nationwide. We help financial sponsors and their portfolio companies find and attract force-multiplying talent at all levels. For more information
  • HQ: Santa Monica, CA, United States
    People + Process: At TenX Recruiting, we believe that talent acquisition is only effective when you have a strong process to put quality candidates through. That's why we focus on both Recruiting & Recruiting Operations. We've worked with companies at various stages like SpaceX, Riot Games, and BIRD to hire incredible talent while establishing comprehensive and efficient recruitment processes. Our expertise is in placing Software Engineering, 'Hard Tech', Data, Product, Executive, and HR roles.