Software Recruitment & Staffing agencies
in Northern Ireland

Reach out to 2 leading recruiters, employment agencies, and headhunters that specialize in Software recruitment and operate in Northern Ireland.

Specialty: Software
Country: United Kingdom
Country: Northern Ireland
  • Talentsocial helps software industry professionals find their dream jobs by matching them with innovative high growth technology companies in Ireland and the UK. Our consultative approach ensures the best culture fit for you that enables you to thrive and reach your full potential. We work with the most exciting indiginous software companies in Derry and Letterkenny to help them grow. Get in touch and let's discover who you need to connect with to reach your full potential, to be the best you, or build the dream team.

    Industries & Specialties:

  • Marketing Recruitment SpecialistEstablished with a sole vision of helping businesses understand, attract and retain the best Marketing talent to reach their target customers. We offer partnership recruitment arrangements that guarantee a result, enabling our clients to fully understand all of the options available to them in the market at that time. MRKTSEARCH is committed to going the extra mile to find best fit, and believe in identifying the unique strengths of each of the professionals we represent.